Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

create a sidebar on twitter become transparent (membuat sidebar twitter menjadi transparan)

how to make sidebar on twitter become transparent?

like this:

become like this:


1. open your twitter accunt and then go to settings >> design.
    or go to http://twitter.com/settings/design

2. copy this cript

3. block http://twitter.com/settings/design at browser address bar and delete that

4. copy that script into the sidebar address

5. press ENTER

6. klik save changes

7. if your sidebar can't changed. please check the link. is there " javascript:" when you paste it. if don't. add "javascript:" in front of the link, you can see the difference

8. for successful use it with google chrome.

done. :)

comment if you have any question about this.


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